When you need to differentiate...
A new type of project for me - an existing customer setting up a new business running parallel to their existing one - that needed to be different.  

The French 1/4 Café is a long-term customer and good friend,  who open 5 days a week mornings and afternoons.  Looking to scale up, they had an idea for an evening dining experience, at the same premises, piloting 2 nights a week - a burger bar. 

I worked with the team from day one, when the idea was just a spark, to look at the competition, develop the menu and even a lively session brainstorming names.

Next stop, drawing up lots of variations on cooker rings and burgers, but I circled back to the simplest one as the brand was already feeling solid with a quirky name and dominant colour scheme. 

From here, I moved into small-business start-up support mode. I've done this for a few clients, getting their social media accounts up and running, covers/avatars up, Google My Business and the client plugged in as an admin. 

Followed up by teaser social media posts to run up to the 1 April grand opening.
Onto a fun bit for me as a more traditional designer, getting to put something in print. 
I supported the team with copywriting on the menu content, following the brand tone of voice, a cheeky and fun persona that's all about the burgers - and the script wrote itself to go with a circular die-cut menu!
This was a point of difference for the restaurant and a way to inject the brand's personality to the customer's experience. 
Final phase was attending opening night and being treated to a proper feed of their Emperor Burger and handing it all over to the owner. 
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